Wednesday, January 23, 2013

DIY Hard Water Stain Zapper

Good morning, blog-reading friends! Today, I am sharing an amazing homemade cleaner that has changed the face of my kitchen forever (cue echo).  I stumbled upon the recipe through Pinterest (imagine that) and had to try it out. You can find the original source here

We have extremely hard water in our home and I have pretty much just come to terms with it. I hurts my skin, makes my shower look cloudy, and eventually leaves it's permanent mark on all of our white clothing. Oh well, that's life, right?  However, with a little bit of elbow grease it can be controlled. My kitchen sink really suffers the most.  I will even show you. I have to admit, it is quite shocking. If you have small children hovering over you maybe you should send them out of the room.

Vile, right? Oh, it doesn't stop there. I am not hiding anything. Here's a few more for your to cringe at.

Train wreck. You just can't look away.

So, now that I have bared my soul and the current status of my nasty kitchen sink, I will show how easily and naturally and frugally you can clean that mess.

You will need:
  • Distilled white vinegar
  • Lemon juice
  • Dish washing soap
  • Empty spray bottle (I found mine at the Dollar Tree ;-)
Fill your spray bottle about half way up with vinegar. Mine came to about 2 cups. Next, add 1/4 of a cup of lemon juice. Then fill the remaining space in the bottle up with dish soap. Screw the top back on and give it a shake. Spray liberally on the hard water stains and go find something to do for about 30 minutes. 
Soaking the nasty stains away.
 You could do your nails, read a couple chapters in your book, catch up on your correspondence... However, if you have children you can't do any of those things so maybe pick up the train tracks in your living room for the 37th time this morning.

Okay! Thirty minutes have passed and it's time to scrub and rinse!

Me scrubbing away with my steal wool.
Alright, moment of truth. Did it work? Is it clean? Did you just waist forty minutes of your life away that you can never get back?


 Well, there you have it folks. A much cleaner, much better looking kitchen sink. I am now semi-happy to do my dishes in my newly sparkling sink. No, that's a lie. I hate doing dishes. This just makes it a little less annoying. 

Thanks for stopping and God Bless!


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